Bienvenidos a Gómez Abogados
El despacho Gomez Abogados Lawyers ofrece servicios globales que cubren la mayoría de las necesidades de los inversores extranjeros en España. Estamos especializados en derecho inmobiliario y urbanístico, derecho tributario, de la contratación y societario, derecho sucesorio y de familia, y nuestro principal objetivo es ayudarle en el proceso de compra o venta de su propiedad en España, en la creación de su empresa, en la firma de su testamento o en la planificación de su futura herencia, así como en el pago regular de sus impuestos.
Ofrecemos un asesoramiento de calidad, por profesionales cualificados e independientes.

Sólo abogados colegiados se encargan de los expedientes. Realizan personalmente todos los trámites de carácter legal y supervisan aquéllos de mera gestión. De esta forma, no sólo conseguimos un alto grado de excelencia, sino también que los intereses del cliente estén siempre protegidos por nuestros seguros de responsabilidad civil.

Nuestros honorarios se fijan a la hora de hacer el encargo, porque nadie quiere sorpresas desagradables al final del camino y porque nosotros disfrutamos de lo que hacemos. No nos preocupa el tiempo invertido sino la consecución del objetivo. Sólo así se logra que el cliente quede satisfecho y nos premie con su confianza en el futuro.
Practice Areas

Porqué elegir Gómez Abogados Lawyers
Para todos y cada uno de los integrantes de Gomez Abogados el cliente es lo primero. En torno a ese aforismo organizamos nuestro trabajo. Creemos que la relación abogado-cliente debe ser estrecha y directa. Conocemos a nuestros clientes y ellos conocen muy bien al abogado que los representa, siempre el mismo, lo que genera confianza y garantiza la rapidez y la eficacia que los clientes buscan y merecen. Nos comprometemos a mantener al cliente puntualmente informado del estado de su expediente y nos esforzamos por responder a sus comunicaciones en un plazo máximo de 24 horas.PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS
We offer a complete end to end buying and selling advice service for Spanish Properties, along with covering all other areas of legal work in Spain.
We offer a complete end to end buying and selling advice service for Spanish Properties, along with covering all other areas of legal work in Spain.
Happy Clients
I just wanted to say how impressed I have been with the way you have handled this matter for me, at all times I have felt completely aware of what is going on which is so important and your friendly and competent approach has assured me throughout the process. We are very grateful for your service and will turn to you whenever there is a need in the future, as well as recommend you to all our friends! Once again , thank you!
Matthew and Barbara -
Professional and efficient Over the past few years we have worked with Francisco Gómez on various property purchases and due diligence undertakings on behalf of our clients. Francisco has always worked in a professional and efficient manner and we have no hesitation in recommending him.
A continuing relationship We are thrilled that we finally have our new home in Spain and I can't thank you enough for everything you have done, you've been amazing!! We look forward to continuing our relationship with you. Thank you once again.
A very satisfactory completion Many thanks Francisco for all your support during the process of buying our property. You have been an invaluable help and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend your services to anyboday wishing to purchase property in Spain. Many thanks again.
A professional and efficient service. Many thanks for all your help. You are wonderful. You have provided us with unrivalled professional service in our successful purchase and we would recommend you and your company to any individual or commercial entity wishing to buy property in Spain.
A professional job Thank you very much for all your help and your lovely confirmation email of the completion. Everything went well, and I am now a property owner in Spain! I would like to say that you did a very good professional job and I was very pleased with everything.
Efficient and helpful The completion of the purchase was very efficient with all matters being dealt with speedily. All advice was clear with our interests being represented at all times.
Invaluable legal advice Can we once again thank you and your team for all your legal advice on this proposed purchase where you have all been very thorough with the legal information and are ensuring that we will purchase a legal house.
Thank you so much for all your help during the whole purchase, you and your team at Gomez Abogados Lawyers have been very professional and correct.
Roy Davies